Glen Lapson
How a Discovery of the ancient time of Rome can affect our current life!
How the balance was established and how it collapses!
This story will change the perception we get of our lives…because it is not only a story.

“In its geographical expansion and lust for power, Rome searched for a place to build a holy city, a place which would meet special conditions, a place which would represent the origin of the Cosmos on earth and a place where the balance between the four elements in nature – earth, water, air and fire – would be achieved.”
They found that place in Hispania, and on 23rd December in the year 14 BC they founded a city there. Its people have achieved special characteristics because the balance created by Rome has always been maintained.
“But in 2016… that balance is breaking…”
WARNING: some parts of the book are fiction!

DisequilibriumsTheGame is a multilanguage game where you have to save the city from an existing imbalance (fire, earthquake, …) using the different levels that give you the GOLDENSHAPES and avoiding the attacks of the STATICS. Add CREATIVEMINDS to unlock new GOLDENSHAPES and reach the highest level.
Dare you reading a story that never finishes?

Beginning on December 23, 2016, chapters of the book DISEQUILIBRIUMS. THE INDIVIDUALS, will be published periodically on this website.
The first of the forty chapters, the Prologue, was published on the day of the founding of the city of CaesarAugusta by the Emperor Augustus.
Enjoy, sign up and participate in the rest of creative actions around the story.
What would you do if the balance was broken in your city?
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