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DISEQUILIBRIUMS The group. Chapter 2

“Are you all OK?” Erik’s voice between whispers was the first utterance out of our mouths after we fell to the ground. Entering the portal was the easiest part. As we would say afterwards, ‘it was only a small jump’. Because the rest of it… was...

DISEQUILIBRIUMS The group. Chapter 1

23 June 2017: Seconds between sunset The heat is stifling. My clothes are sticking to my body and I can’t stop sweating. I feel strange. It doesn’t feel like my body. This has never happened to me before at this time of year. In this city in June, the temp...

DISEQUILIBRIUMS The group. Prologue

23 December 2016: It is still dawn The old man is staring at his hands as he draws the curtains. They are strong hands and he knows it. If they could tell you everything they had done during their lifetime, it would be years before they stopped. Hands of all t...


Thank you very much for following the story of DISEQUILIBRIUMS The Individuals.   You have had the opportunity to read the 39 chapters and the Prologue free of charge on the project website or by purchasing the complete book in both paper and electronic v...

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